
Synopsis of the Single Volume of Beauty in Chaos

"Beauty in Chaos" narrates the life of Noe Ito, one of the most remarkable women of modern Japan, a pioneer in feminism and anarchism in the early decades of the 20th century. The author of the book, equally fascinating, offers a biographical portrait filled with literary sensitivity and empathy. During a time of intense social and political changes, the birth of the feminist movement in Japan is told through the short and tragic life of one of its key figures. Noe, an intelligent and inquisitive young woman from the countryside, rejects the marriage arranged by her family and ventures to Tokyo to carve her own path. There, she joins the editors and writers of the feminist magazine Seito and gets involved with anarchist circles, unwittingly becoming a symbol of both movements, a journey marked by scandal, controversy, and sacrifice.

Discover more about the book Beauty in Chaos and immerse yourself in this touching story with the official edition published by Satori Ediciones.

Details of the Single Volume

Title: Beauty in Chaos

Genre: Other Books

Authors: Jakucho Setouchi

Format: Softcover paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 360

Publisher: Satori Ediciones

Size: 13 x 21 cm

Language: Spanish


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Beauty in Chaos Spanish Book

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