
Here comes the most famous child magician of all time! Harry Potter isn't only one of the most popular fictional characters of recent decades, but also one of the most loved. His adventures have enchanted thousands of fans around the world, who have seen their little hero grow over the years: from child to teenager, from adolescent to adult. Our hero couldn't be missed in the new collection of chibi keychains that Pyramid International presents to us. There are all your favorite Harry Potter characters!

This keychain is made of rubber and measures 4.5 centimeters long by 6 centimeters high, approximately. Harry appears with his magician's tunic and his scarf with the colors of Gryffindor. You can see his round glasses and the scar in the form of lightning on his forehead. It's an official Harry Potter license manufactured by Pyramid International.

Complete your collection with the chibi Harry Potter keychain that Pyramid International brings us! Also available are the chibi keychains of Hagrid, Dobby, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood, Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort and Dumbledore.

In stock - 24hrs - rest of products please see info on the product descripction.

Chibi Harry Potter Keychain

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