
Features of the Decorative Magnet

Enhance your Disney collection with the charming Experiment 626 Lilo and Stitch Decorative Magnet. This magnet captures the essence of the mischievous Experiment 626, better known as Stitch, one of the most beloved characters from "Lilo and Stitch".
Made with detailed design and vibrant colors, this magnet is perfect for adding a fun and original touch to any metal surface. Its size and material quality make it ideal for decorating your fridge or magnetic board, bringing the magic and charm of Stitch into your home or workspace. It's not just a beautiful ornament but also a fabulous reminder of the themes of family and adventure that characterize this endearing Disney story.

Decorative Magnet Experiment 626 Lilo and Stitch Disney

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Importaciones Kokuro S.L. CIF B42508317 

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