Conan, the soccer enthusiast, will encounter an unimaginable case! While Conan has solved various sports-related mysteries in the past, in this movie, he faces an enigma of unprecedented scale. It all begins when Kogoro receives a mysterious phone call announcing the existence of a bomb. "A blue child and a blue zebra, rain from above..." is the cryptic code that, once deciphered, can stop the explosion. Conan, who was enjoying a soccer match with the Junior Detective League, gets involved in cracking the code. However, what lies behind it... Conan will face a mystery and terror on a never-before-seen cinematic scale! Get ready to embark on an exciting and dangerous adventure where Conan must unravel hidden secrets and save everyone from a tragic fate.

Detective Conan: El undécimo delantero Manga in its regular official Spanish edition published by Editorial Planeta Comic.

Product Features

Title: Detective Conan: El undécimo delantero
Genre: Shonen - Adventure - Mystery - Comedy - Drama - School Life - Romance
Art: Gosho Aoyama
Script: Gosho Aoyama
Format: Paperback without flaps - Black and White
Volume: Single
Pages: 184
Publisher: Planeta Comic
Size: 10 x 21 cm
Language: Spanish


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Detective Conan: El undécimo delantero Manga Oficial Planeta Comic (Spanish)

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