
Product characteristics

Product Name: Dobby Snowball Figure Harry Potter

Product type: Snowball figure

Character: Dobby

License: Harry Potter

Manufacturer: HMB - Half Moon Bay

Specifications: Painted, static and made of resin.

Measurements (approx.): 9.5 cms

They've locked Dobby in a crystal ball!

From HMB comes this great snowball figure of Dobby, the most famous house elf in the entire magical world. We can see that the base imitates being made of bricks and has Dobby's name engraved on the front and a drawing of the sock on the back. Inside is Dobby in his ragged tunic, if you shake the figure, snow and confetti will fall. Inspired by the successful Harry Potter literary and film saga.

This figure measures 9.5 cm and has been manufactured by HMB in high quality materials.

Give your collection a magical touch with this Dobby Snowball Figure Harry Potter!

Dobby Snowball Figure Harry Potter

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Importaciones Kokuro S.L. CIF B42508317 

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