
Synopsis of the Book by Draw and Animate your Manga Characters

Are you passionate about manga and anime and have always dreamed of learning how to draw them? @ZeSensei_draws opens the doors to the world of drawing and animation with this essential book for both beginners and experienced artists. Through detailed guides, you will learn to draw every feature of your characters and bring them to life on the computer. From head to toe, each body section is broken down into clear steps so you can master the art of manga.

This manual is divided into two parts: the first focuses on drawing manga characters, and the second on animating them using software. In addition, the author shares valuable lessons on how to monetize your art on social media. Follow the instructions on animation techniques and tools and start animating your creations. Get ready to enjoy the creative process!

Book Details

Title: The Art of Drawing Manga and Anime with @ZeSensei_draws

Genre: Drawing Books


Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 192

Publisher: Anaya Multimedia

Size: 20 x 25 cm

Language: English

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