
Synopsis of Volume 1 of Megaman Megamix

What you are describing is the plot of the manga "Mega Man Megamix", created by manga artist Hitoshi Ariga. "Mega Man" is a very popular video game series developed by Capcom, and the "Megamix" manga is an adaptation that showcases Mega Man's early adventures and battles, also known as Rockman in Japan. In the story, we witness the origin of Mega Man, a robot created by Dr. Light to be his assistant and help humanity. However, the evil Dr. Wily, who was once Dr. Light's collaborator, rebels and takes control of the Robot Masters, robots designed for specific jobs that have now been reprogrammed to cause chaos and destruction.

Details of Volume 1

Title: Megaman Megamix - ロックマンメガミックス

Genre: Shonen - Sentai

Artwork:   CAPCOM

Script:   CAPCOM

Format: Paperback - black and white

Volume: 15

Pages: 298

Publisher: Ooso Comics

Size: 12 x 17 cms

Language: Spanish

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Megaman Megamix #1 Spanish Manga

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