Product Name: Proplica Moon Kaleido Scope Sailor Moon Eternal
Product Type: Replica
Reason: Kaleido Scope
License: Sailor Moon - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - 美 少女 戦 士 セ ー ラ ー ム ー ン
Manufacturer: Tamashii Nations - Bandai Spirits
Specifications: Replica with sound, made of quality materials at 1/1 scale. Batteries not included.
Measurements (approx.): 53 cms

Kaleido Scope from Sailor Moon!

Great Proplica of Moon Kaleido Scope from Sailor Moon Eternal.
This Proplica measures 53 cms, has light and sound and has been manufactured by Bandai Tamashii Nations in high quality PVC

Give your collection a magical girl touch with this great Proplica Moon Kaleido Scope Sailor Moon Eternal!

Moon Kaleido Scope Proplica Sailor Moon Eternal

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Importaciones Kokuro S.L. CIF B42508317 

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