
Synopsis of Volume 6 of Mother Parasite

In the Kasai family, Kaoru's arrest has ruined the relationship between mother and son. Rika, on the verge of reaching her limit, is once again lost in a labyrinth. Meanwhile, Harumi Nakamura approaches Ryôta, anxious to help her son Seiya, who has been arrested. Faced with the disintegration of the two households, Ryôta is in a very good mood. His purpose is to parasitise the Kasai family, so he proposes a deal to Harumi, in exchange for telling her a secret strategy to save Seiya.

Enjoy the Manga adventure of Mother Parasite in the official Spanish edition of this exciting manga published by ECC Ediciones.

Details of Volume 6

Title: Mother Parasite

Genre: Seinen

Author/s: Satou Hirohisa

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 6

Pages: 144 in black and white

Publisher: ECC Editions

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish


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Mother Parasite #6 Spanish Manga

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