
Features of the Pencil Set

Explore your creativity with the charming Set of 10 Pencils from My Neighbor Totoro by Studio Ghibli. Inspired by one of the most iconic films in the history of animation, these pencils are perfect for sketching or writing while accompanied by Totoro and friends.
Each pencil is decorated with full-color characters from the animated classic, adding a touch of fun and charm to your writing materials. With their standard HB/No. 2 quality, these pencils offer an excellent writing experience, ideal for both adults and children.
This set is not only practical but also a wonderful gift for fans of Studio Ghibli, collectors, artists, and lovers of cute Japanese art, stationery, and pop culture.

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My Neighbor Totoro Pencils 10 Set Studio Ghibli

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Importaciones Kokuro S.L. CIF B42508317 

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