
The inhabitants of the world of Yo-kai Watch often have one of those days when they don't go well: they lose their keys, they lose their pants, the elevator stops halfway... It's likely that a Yo-kai spirit is the culprit. These beings are everywhere causing problems and they are invisible, except for those who have managed to make friends with one of them. Do you dare to pursue the mischievous Yo-kai?

There are three random Yo-kai medals in each mystery bag and each of them shows a different character. These medals can be used on the Yo-kai Watch toy watch (sold separately) to invoke different creatures, as in the video games and the television series. There are a total of 44 medals to collect in Series 1 of Medal Mystery Bags: 3 medals per bag, 24 bags in each box. Each bag is sold separately. Collect all the medals and complete your Yo-kai collection! This product is an official license of Yo-Kai Watch and it has been manufactured by Hasbro. Ages: 4+.

Relive the adventures of the game and collect all the Yo-Kai medals! Get now the Pack 3 Medals Yo-kai Watch 2016 Series 1 that Hasbro offers us!

Pack 3 Medals Yo-kai Watch - 2016 Series 1 - Random

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