Product characteristics
Product Name: Ryota Kise Kuroko no Basket Q Posket Figure

Character: Ryota Kise - 黄 瀬 涼 太

License: Kuroko no Basket - 黒 子 の バ ス ケ

Product line: Q Posket

Manufacturer: Banpresto

Artists: N / A

Specifications: Painted, static, with base and made of PVC and ABS. Censored version.

Measurements (approx.): 14 cms

The skilled Ryota Kise!

Impressive figure of Ryota Kise from the anime and manga Kuroko no Basket, within the Q Posket line.

This figure measures 14 cm and has been manufactured by Banpresto in high quality PVC and ABS.

Give your collection a spokon touch with this Ryota Kise Kuroko no Basket Q Posket Figure!

In stock - 24hrs - rest of products please see info on the product descripction.

Ryota Kise Figure Kuroko no Basket Q Posket

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Importaciones Kokuro S.L. CIF B42508317 

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