
Synopsis of volume 1 of Skeleton Knight in Another World

A man awakens to find himself in a completely different world, taking on the appearance of his character from an MMORPG: the "skeleton knight". His figure is clad in armor, beneath which lies a full skeleton. However, this changed appearance comes with its risks, as if his true identity were to be discovered, he would face the danger of being considered a monster and pursued. Although his initial intent is to lay low, he can't overlook the criminal acts happening before his eyes. With the use of skills and abilities he developed in the game, he will be driven to perform astonishing feats in this new world.

Details of volume 1 of Skeleton Knight in Another World

Title: Skeleton Knight in Another World - Gaikotsu Kishi-sama Tadaima Isekai e Odekakechuu - 骸骨騎士様、只今異世界へお出掛け中 

Genre: Shonen - Ecchi - Action - Adventure - Humor - Drama - Fantasy

Art:  Enki Hakari

Story: Akira Sawano

Format: Paperback - black and white

Volume: 1

Pages: 164

Publisher: Panini Comics

Size: 13 x 18 cms

Language: Spanish


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Manga Skeleton Knight in Another World #01 Spanish Manga

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