
Synopsis of "We'll Manage, More or Less" Volume 5

Yuuya Aida and Rio Aihara have shared a romance spanning one year and three months. Their relationship takes an unexpected turn when Yuuya suggests they start living together. Despite a three-year age gap with Rio being the older, and variations in their work schedules, they both decide to embark on this new chapter. Cohabitation isn't always the idyllic picture they had in mind; they face daily challenges, from disputes over who ate the last dessert to who's in charge of household chores. Nonetheless, their unwavering love helps them overcome these hurdles. Dive into a tender and realistic narrative of what it means to be a couple in the 21st century.

"We'll Manage, More or Less" Manga Volume 5 in its official Spanish edition, an authentic and touching portrayal of contemporary love, published by Kitsune Books.

Details of Volume 5

Title: We'll Manage, More or Less

Genre: Shojo

Art: Suzuyuki

Script: Suzuyuki

Format: Paperback - Black and White

Volume: 5

Pages: 144

Publisher: Kitsune Books

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish


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We'll manage (more or less) #5 Spanish Manga

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