
Synopsis of the Volume "Blinded by Jealousy"

Kirino feels he has reached the limit of his talent as a pianist and spends his days depressed, which leads him to invite a university colleague, Takase, who had long hoped this would happen, to have sex with him. Kirino feels complete seeing his desires fulfilled, but at the same time, he takes out his jealousy on Takase. Kirino becomes arrogant and dependent on Takase, while Takase is very sweet to him, until everything changes. A story of love, sex, and domination where darkness and light intermingle.

Details of the Single Volume

Title: Blinded by Jealousy

Genre: Josei

Author/s: Eiji Nagisa

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 192 in black and white

Publisher: Arechi Manga

Language: Spanish


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