
Synopsis of Volume 8 of Mars

Makio's malice once again looms over the peaceful lives of Rei and Kira, but their bond is such that they share everything, both hopes and fears. As if to mock them, the darkness was already there. The incarnation of Mars, the god of war, races to etch a clear testament of life into their souls as this classic shojo manga reaches its conclusion. This final volume also includes a prequel volume to the series, which appeared later.

Discover more about Rei and Kira's emotional journey in the Mars manga, a story of love and challenges, presented by Arechi Manga.

Details of Volume 8

Title: Mars

Genre: Shojo

Author/s: Fuyumi Souryo

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 8

Pages: 336 in black and white

Publisher: Arechi Manga

Size: 15 x 21 cm

Language: Spanish

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Mars #8 Spanish Manga

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