Product Name: Official Harry Potter Replica Wand
Reason: Harry Potter
License: Harry Potter
Manufacturer: Wizarding World
Specifications: Wand replica made of PVC.
Measurements: 35 cms

Great economic replica of the wand of the most famous wizard of all time Harry Potter!

"The wand chooses the wizard, it is not quite clear why" This wand is a faithful replica of the original Harry Potter, from the Hogwarts school of magic and sorcery. It is twinned with the wand of Tom Riddle, who would later become Harry Potter, which is why they are said to be equal in strength.

This wizard stands out for being a Gryffindor from head to toe; courage, valor and nobility are his greatest virtues.

This great replica manufactured by Wizarding World includes a 35 cm long wand made of PVC.

Practice magic with this great Harry Potter wand replica! Without fear that it will break like a resin

"Here we have Harry Potter, our new Celebrity"

In stock - 24hrs - rest of products please see info on the product descripction.

Harry Potter Wand Harry Potter Official Replica

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