
Synopsis of Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit Volume 3

In a society governed by the National Welfare Act, ikigami are death notices delivered to selected citizens, giving them only one day to live. This extreme measure is intended to make the population value life more and contribute to the country's progress. Fujimoto, responsible for delivering these fateful messages, daily confronts the heartbreaking impact his notifications have on people's lives and their families.

Discover more about this Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit manga and dive into its profound plot with the official edition published by Panini Comics.

Details of Volume 3

Title: Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit

Genre: Seinen

Author/s: Motorô Mase

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 3

Pages: 464 in black and white

Publisher: Panini Comics

Dimensions: 15 x 21 cm

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Ikigami, Death announcement #3 Spanish Manga

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