
Synopsis of Volume 15 of Mushoku Tensei

Shizuka Nanahoshi, under the identity of Stella Septiente, the guest student at the Ranoa Magic Academy, has turned out to be none other than one of the victims of the accident that claimed Rudeus' life. Since that fateful event, Nanahoshi has been looking for a way to return to his world by any means necessary. On the other hand, the relationship between Rudeus and Fitz is becoming more and more complicated...

Explore Mushoku Tensei Manga in its official Spanish edition of this fascinating manga published by Panini Comics.

Details of Volume 15

Title: Mushoku Tensei

Genre: Seinen

Authors: Yuka Fujikawa - Rifujin na Magonote

Format: Softcover with overcover

Volume: 15

Pages: 160 in black and white

Publisher: Panini Comics

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Mushoku Tensei #15 Spanish Manga

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