What if in an institute the status and all the important decisions are made through games of chance? Experience the events that occurred a year before Yumeko entered the Hyakkaou Private Academy and relive the story of Saotome Meari.

Manga de Kakegurui Twin Demented Players Volumen 13 in its official edition in Spanish of this funny manga published by the editorial ECC Ediciones.

Product characteristics

Title: Kakegurui Twin Insane Players - 賭 ケ グ ル イ
Genre: Slice of life - Comedy - Romance
Drawing: Kei Saiki
Script: Homura Kawamoto
Format: Rustic - Black and White
Volume: 13
Pages: 216
Publisher: ECC Ediciones
Size: N / A
Language: Spanish


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  • La editorial Planeta Comics tarda entre 4 a 7 días en realizar los envíos de reposición.
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  • Los pedidos se pueden retrasar a causa que la distribuidora no tenga en stock el tomo que nos has pedido, y tengamos que esperar a la reposición de la editorial.

Kakegurui Twin Jugadores Dementes #13 Manga Oficial ECC Ediciones (Spanish)

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