
Synopsis of Volume 2 of Mega Man Megamix

In an era where machines are an essential part of daily life, Dr. Light creates Rock, a robot with human emotions. His initial purpose is to assist in managing industrial robots. However, when these robots rebel and threaten humanity, Rock voluntarily transforms into a combat robot to protect the world. Thus, Mega Man, the cybernetic hero destined to fight against evil forces, is born.

Find out more about Mega Man's adventures in Mega Man Megamix manga, available in its second edition published by Ooso Comics.

Details of Volume 2

Title: Mega Man Megamix

Genre: Shonen

Authors: CAPCOM

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 2

Pages: 288 in black and white + some in color

Publisher: Ooso Comics

Dimensions: 12 x 17 cm

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Megaman Megamix #2 Spanish Manga

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