
Synopsis of the Pinocchio Book by MinaLima

Join the mischievous Pinocchio on his enigmatic and magical adventures with wicked puppeteers, cunning animals, and other magical creatures in his journey to become a "real boy". Since its publication in 1883, the story of Pinocchio and his nose that grew with every lie he told has become an indelible symbol of children's and young adult literature. Filled with extraordinary illustrations and interactive elements created by the award-winning design studio MinaLima, this marvelous edition will captivate readers of all ages and is a must-have volume in the MinaLima Classics Collection.

Discover more about this timeless classic and accompany Pinocchio on his journey to become a real boy.

Book Details

Title: Pinocchio

Genre: Fantasy Books

Author/s: Carlo Collodi

Format: Hardback

Pages: 292

Publisher: Folioscopio

Size: 23.5 x 16 cm

Language: Spanish

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Pinocchio Minalima Book

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