
Synopsis of the PlayStation Encyclopedia

On December 3, 1994, the multinational technology company Sony launched its first home console in Japan: PlayStation. A machine that quickly made its way to the West and made history by becoming the spearhead of the polygonal revolution, while changing the video game industry forever. 25 years after its launch, the PlayStation brand is a global reference and synonymous with the word video game. In this book, you will find reviews of more than 1000 titles from the vast catalog that nourished the machine from European, Japanese, and North American territories.

An indispensable volume for all those who lived through the revolution that PlayStation meant during the 90s.

Details of the Encyclopedia

Title: The PlayStation Encyclopedia

Genre: Fantasy Books

Authors: Jose Manuel Fernández and Jesús Relinque

Format: Hardcover bound with thread, full-color covers and endpapers

Pages: 280

Publisher: Paper Heroes

Size: 22.5 x 22.5 cm

Language: Spanish

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The PlayStation Encyclopaedia (New Edition)

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