
Synopsis of The Monster Without a Name

In this compilation of stories from renowned mangaka Naoki Urasawa, we find unsettling tales that plunge the reader into dark and mysterious worlds. Notably, there's the horror story that left an indelible mark on the protagonist of "Monster". This compilation serves as a testament to Urasawa's mastery, who has captivated audiences worldwide with works such as "Pluto", "Master Keaton", and "20th Century Boys".

The Monster Without a Name manga in its official Spanish edition, recognized as being one of the key pieces of the acclaimed Naoki Urasawa and published by Planeta Cómic.

Details of The Monster Without a Name

Title: The Monster Without a Name - Monster Kanzenban Bekkan Namae No Nai Kaibutsu

Genre: Seinen - Horror

Art: Naoki Urasawa

Script: Naoki Urasawa

Format: Full Color

Volume: Single

Pages: 48

Publisher: Planeta Cómic

Size: 12 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Manga The Nameless Monster

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