
Synopsis of Volume 2 of A 5-Minute Walk from the End

The story of the Gilda Hostel and all the people who live there comes to an end. Nozo Itoi returns with a greater dose of empathy and communication, exposing all the secrets of his characters and delving into themes such as redemption, family, forgiveness and friendship, among others. In this volume, not only do new characters momentarily appear in the lives of the main characters, but the stories of Yuuko, the hostel and the past of its workers are fully developed. But will there be a future for the Gilda?

Discover more about the A 5-Minute Walk from the End manga and explore this touching story published by Tsubaki Comics.

Details of Volume 2

Title: A 5-Minute Walk from the End

Genre: Seinen

Author/s: Itoi Nozo

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 2

Pages: 276 in black and white + 2 in color

Publisher: Tsubaki Comics

Size: 12 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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5 minutes walk from end #2 Spanish Manga

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