
Synopsis of Volume 2 of Leeches

Yôko sneaks into a new house and meets two identical boys. They are part of a population group whose existence is not recognized in society: the heihaizi, one of the adverse effects of China's one-child policy. Unwittingly, Yôko becomes involved in their conflict. After her first encounter with the leeches, Yôko realizes that there are many ways to become one. And, at the moment, none of them seem easy or pleasant. To attack or to defend oneself, what decision to make when you don't want to be a victim, but not an executioner either?

Discover more about Leeches and dive into an intense and nuanced plot, with the official edition published by Tsubaki Comics.

Details of Volume 2

Title: Leeches

Genre: Seinen

Authors: Daisuke Imai

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 1

Pages: 192

Publisher: Tsubaki Comics

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Leeches #2 Spanish Manga

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