
Synopsis of the Complete Edition of Museum

Detective Hisashi Sawamura, who has just separated from his wife, dedicates himself body and soul to the hunt for a cruel serial killer who, hidden under a frog mask and only when it rains, commits increasingly atrocious crimes.

Horrified, he discovers a connection between the victims: all were part of the jury that sentenced Shigeru Ôhashi, the resin killer, to death. The five victims so far... and also his wife Haruka, who along with their son, is kidnapped by the killer.

Details of the Complete Edition

Title: Museum

Genre: Seinen

Author/s: Ryousuke Tomoe

Format: Paperback with dust jacket 14.8 x 21 cm

Pages: vol 1: 376 pages B/W, vol 2: 400 pages B/W

Publisher: Norma Editorial

Language: Spanish

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