Product characteristics
Title: There's No Way I Can Have A Lover! Or maybe yes? - Watashi ga koibito ni nareru wake nai jan, muri muri! (※Muri ja Nakatta!?) - わたしが恋人になれるわけないじゃん、ムリムリ! (※ムリじゃなかった!?)
Genre: Seinen - Humor - Romance - School Life - Yuri
Drawing: Musshu
Screenplay: Teren Mikami
Format: Paperback softcover with dust jacket
Volume: 01
Pages: 192
Publisher: Panini
Size: 13 x 18 cm
Language: Spanish

Renako Amaori starts in high school, but she is a very shy girl and she is afraid. Thanks to all this, she makes good friends with Mai Ôzuka, the most popular girl. They become friends until what will end up being her relationship?

Manga of There's No Way I Can Have a Lover! Or maybe yes? #01 in its official Spanish edition of this curious manga published by the Panini editorial.

In stock - 24hrs - rest of products please see info on the product descripction.

¡No hay manera de que pueda tener un amante! ¿O quizá sí? #01 Manga Oficial Panini Manga (Spanish)

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