
Synopsis of Volume 2 of Pichi Pichi Pitch Aqua

The sequel follows the story of Rukia Nanami, daughter of the North Pacific ocean princess Lucia Nanami. For reasons as yet unknown, Rukia spent her childhood as a human and the series will chronicle her introduction to the mermaid world.

Enter Pichi Pichi Pitch Aqua Manga Volume 1, continuing the mermaid saga with a fresh story that promises to enchant a new generation of readers, while paying tribute to the classic characters we've grown to love.

Details of Volume 2

Title: Pichi Pichi Pitch Aqua

Genre: Shojo

Author/s: Hanamori Pink

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 2

Pages: 192 in black and white

Publisher: Arechi Manga

Dimensions: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Pichi Pichi Pitch Aqua #2 Spanish Manga

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