
Synopsis of Volume 2 of Soulmate

Yu Qi went to sleep in the arms of her girlfriend, Yuanzi. But when she opened her eyes the next morning, she realized that she had traveled back in time, 10 years ago, when she was still in high school, specifically. She takes advantage of knowing what will happen to try to change the future and save the love of her life, but what she doesn't know is that her 17-year-old self has also traveled through time and is now inhabiting the body of her adult self without knowing anything about the life Yu Qi has built or how much she has to treasure the time she has left with Yuanzi. By her side, their mutual love amplifies and resonates. Will they be able to defeat destiny?

Discover the moving story of love and fate in Soulmate Volume 2, a deep and emotional narrative, published by Monogatari Novels.

Details of Volume 2

Title: Soulmate

Genre: Shojo

Author/s: Ke Ran Bing - Wenzhi Lizi

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 2

Pages: 424 in black and white

Publisher: Monogatari Novels

Dimensions: 14 x 21 cm

Language: Spanish


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Soulmate #02 Spanish Manga

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