
Synopsis of the Novel No Longer Human

No Longer Human is the masterpiece of Osamu Dazai. Its protagonist Yozo, a raw and revealing self-portrait of Dazai himself, narrates in the first person the circumstances of his life from his birth in a family of rural aristocracy to his ruin and decay in Tokyo. A life journey that is a one-way trip through the shadows of alienation, addiction, and the relentless search for identity, leading Yozo through gloomy alleys, dives of ill repute, and sordid corners of the city to ultimately sink hopelessly into the pit of self-destruction.

As Yozo seeks solace and understanding in a world that seems both indifferent and ruthless, Dazai crafts a narrative that transcends boundaries and probes with bitter intuition the universal themes of despair, isolation, and existential angst.

Details of the Novel

Title: No Longer Human

Genre: Novel

Author/s: Osamu Dazai

Format: Hardcover with cloth-like finish

Pages: 240 in black and white

Publisher: Satori Ediciones

Size: 13 x 20 cm

Language: Spanish


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Indigno de ser humano Spanish Novel

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