
Synopsis of Volume 20 of Blue Lock

This is the place where the most exciting football is played!!! Thanks to the combination of Isagi and Kunigami, Germany won the first match.

With the atmosphere still hotting up, Ego reveals even more surprising details of the Neo-Egoist League! Now that according to the rules all their courage will be exposed to the whole world, each player will have to rethink their survival strategies, and meanwhile the rivalry between Kaiser and Isagi also intensifies!

Explore more of the Blue Lock manga and dive into this exciting tournament where only the best will survive.

Details of Volume 20

Title: Blue Lock

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Muneyuki Kaneshiro - Yūsuke Nomura

Format: Paperback without flaps with dust jacket

Volume: 20

Pages: 192 in black and white

Publisher: Planeta Cómic

Dimensions: 11 x 17,7 cm


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Blue Lock #20 Official Manga

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