
Synopsis of Volume 1 of Maison Ikkoku

Yusaku Godai fails to enter university on his first attempt, pouring all his energy into studying for the entrance exams once more. However, his focus is severely compromised by living in a decaying building filled with eccentric and noisy neighbors. His fate takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of the new landlady, Kyoko, a charming woman whom Yusaku finds himself deeply in love with. Despite his feelings, Kyoko seems to have her heart set on someone else.

Discover more about Maison Ikkoku manga and delve into the evolution of this sweet love story with the official edition published by Planeta Cómic.

Details of Volume 1

Title: Maison Ikkoku

Genre: Josei

Author/s: Rumiko Takahashi

Format: Paperback without flaps

Volume: 1

Pages: 366 in black and white

Publisher: Planeta Cómic

Size: 14.8 x 21 cm

Language: Spanish

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Maison Ikkoku #1 Spanish Manga

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