
Synopsis of Volume 1 of Adolf

Adolf tells the story of three individuals sharing this name: a Jewish young man living in Japan, a child of mixed Japanese and German descent, and the leader of Nazi Germany. This manga provides a refreshingly new perspective on the events of World War II, making it an essential title for understanding the complexities of the conflict through the eyes of unforgettable characters.

Discover more about the Adolf manga and experience the narrative magic of Osamu Tezuka with the official edition published by Planeta Cómic.

Details of Volume 1

Title: Adolf

Genre: Seinen

Author/s: Osamu Tezuka

Format: Paperback without flaps

Volume: 1

Pages: 256 in black and white

Publisher: Planeta Cómic

Size: 12.8 x 18 cm

Language: Catalan

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Adolf #1 Catalan Manga

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