
Synopsis of Volume 1 of Blue Lock Episode Nagi 

“It's boring…” is the eternal slogan of Seishirô Nagi, a first-grade student who loves comfort. His life takes a radical turn when he meets Reo Mikage. Handsome, smart, athletic, and the heir of a formidable company, Reo has it all, but he only has one wish: to become the world soccer champion. To achieve this, he decides to enroll the lazy Nagi in his soccer club after witnessing the latter's natural talents, capable of performing the most incredible technical feats... effortlessly. Endowed with exceptional abilities, the duo will soon catch the eye. In particular, through a very special program aimed at the best forwards... the Blue Lock!

Explore more about the Blue Lock manga and dive into this thrilling tournament where only the best will survive.

Details of the Volume 1 

Title: Blue Lock 

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kouta Sannomiya

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 1

Pages: 200 in black and white

Publisher: Planeta Cómic

Dimensions: 11 x 17.7 cm

Language: Spanish

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Blue Lock: Episode Nagi #1 Spanish Manga

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