
Synopsis of Volume 3 of Kerberos in the Silver Rain

Goto and Leon, fed up with all the Kerberos secrecy, decide to find out once and for all what "psi" is by their own means... but they're not the only ones looking for answers! Their most lethal enemy to date, Griffin, is looking for the same thing, and it might be too much for the hounds of Hell. Meanwhile, Sakuya must deal with a crisis of her own, and in the process come to terms with her own identity as Nayuta. It's a spectacular finale to this gripping story!

Explore more of the Kerberos in the Silver Rain manga and immerse yourself in this intense story with the official Moztros edition.

Details of Volume 3

Title: Kerberos in the Silver Rain

Genre: Seinen

Author/s: Lira Aikawa, Berry Star

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 212 in black and white

Publisher: Moztros

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Kerberos in the Silver Rain #3 Spanish Manga

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