
Synopsis of Volume 3 of The Creature of Einstein

In a tale where fantasy and reality intertwine with a touch of gore, "The Creature of Einstein" presents a story that captures the essence of medicine, magic, and the unexpected. Lerew, a humble fisherman, and Einstein, a reclusive witchcraft medicine producer, meet under extraordinary circumstances, giving rise to a unique and shared existence. This second volume immerses us deeper into their world, where the young witch brings a dying man back to life, naming him Frankenstein, intertwining their destinies in a gothic narrative full of suspense and excitement.

Discover The Creature of Einstein manga, published by Moztros, invites us to explore the boundaries between science and the supernatural in this work by Ryu Miyanaga.

Details of Volume 3

Title: The Creature of Einstein

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Ryu Miyanaga

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 3

Pages: 352 in black and white

Publisher: MoZtros

Size: 13 x 18 cm


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Einstein's Creature #3 Spanish Manga

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