
Synopsis of Volume 2 of Kerberos in the Silver Rain

In this fast-paced volume, the Omega team delves deeper into the mysterious world of the Kerberos organisation, questioning the dark secrets surrounding the value of psi, an element for which they are willing to risk their lives. As doubts grow, they question whether it is possible to free themselves from the heavy burden that has been imposed on them. The enigmatic Nayuta, who dwells within Sakuya, becomes a focus of mystery and speculation. In a desperate attempt to unravel the truth, Goto and Leon join together in a tense alliance. However, their quest is hampered by a series of unusual challenges - from killer cowboys to rampaging monsters, not to mention the treachery lurking around every corner.

Explore more of the Kerberos in the Silver Rain manga and immerse yourself in this intense story with the official Moztros edition.

Details of Volume 2

Title: Kerberos in the Silver Rain

Genre: Seinen

Author/s: Lira Aikawa, Berry Star

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 212 in black and white

Publisher: Moztros

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish


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Kerberos in the Silver Rain #2 Spanish Manga

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