
Synopsis of Volume 10 of Kaiju No. 8

Reno Ichikawa continues his intensive training, perfecting the use of his Kaiju weapon. The moment of truth comes when he faces a formidable Kaiju, a challenge that puts everything he has learned to the test. At his side, Iharu experiences mixed emotions, admiring Reno's progress but feeling outmatched. Together, they embark on a mission to defeat the Kaiju, but an unexpected twist puts Reno in a critical situation. This eighth volume plunges us into a desperate search for hope in the midst of battle.

Find out more about the Kaiju No. 8 manga and accompany Reno on his thrilling journey, in this edition published by Planeta Cómic.

Details of Volume 10

Title: Kaiju No. 8

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Naoya Matsumoto

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 10

Pages: 192 in black and white

Publisher: Planeta Cómic

Dimensions: 11.1 x 17.7 cm

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Kaiju No 8 #10 Spanish Manga

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