
Synopsis of Volume 9 of Homunculus

Susumu Nakoshi, a 34-year-old man who, after quitting his job at a major company, becomes a homeless man living in his car and spending his days in a park where other vagrants gather. There he meets Manabu Ito, a medical student who recruits volunteers for a surgical procedure known as trepanation. Initially uninterested, Susumu agrees to participate in the experiment to have his skull drilled in exchange for a large sum of money. After the operation, Susumu discovers that he now has a new and grotesque vision of the world, able to see a reflection of the traumas and insecurities hidden in people's minds.

Discover the official Spanish edition of the Homunculus manga, this intriguing manga published by Ivrea.

Details of Volume 9

Title: Homunculus

Genre: Seinen - Psychological - Horror

Author/s: Hideo Yamamoto

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 9

Pages: 350 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Homunculus #9 Spanish Manga

Product details
  • License: Homunculus
  • Made by: IVREA
  • Approximate size: 13 x 18 cm
  • GTIN: 9788410258167
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