
Synopsis of Volume 12 of Ranking of Kings

Bojji is a deaf-mute prince living in a fantastical world filled with magical creatures. Despite not excelling at anything, and being unable to even wield a child's sword, he dreams of someday becoming the greatest king in the world. People consider him utterly useless and without any talent for being king. However, the situation changes when he meets Kage, a shadow (literally) who is one of the few survivors of a clan of assassins and tries to steal the few belongings Bojji had on him. Somehow, Kage manages to understand the prince and becomes his first true friend, thus starting the adventure Bojji has longed for. Meanwhile, in the darkness, a power threatens to devastate the kingdom.

Dive into the official Spanish edition of the Ranking of Kings manga, a touching and thrilling story, published by Ivrea.

Details of Volume 12

Title: Ranking of Kings

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Sousuke Tooka

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 12

Pages: 220 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Ranking of Kings #12 Spanish Manga

Product details
  • License: Ranking of Kings
  • Made by: IVREA
  • Approximate size: 13 x 18 cm
  • GTIN: 9788410258235
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