
Synopsis of Volume 2 of Marriage Toxin

Gero, a member of a legendary clan of assassins who specialize in using poisons, faces the task of marrying and securing an heir to continue the family tradition. Despite his lack of interest in marriage, due to his minimal interaction with women and education outside the traditional school system, the clan's pressure puts him in a tricky situation. His sister, who prefers women, is also targeted by the clan to fulfill this duty, but Gero decides to take matters into his own hands to prevent her from sacrificing herself.

In his quest, Gero saves the life of Kinosaki, a scammer who pretends to be a woman to deceive wealthy men. In gratitude, Kinosaki offers to help Gero find a partner, although she harbors a secret: she is actually a man! Discover more about this entanglement in Marriage Toxin, published by Ivrea.

Details of Volume 2

Title: Marriage Toxin

Genre: Shonen

Authors: Joumyakun, Mizuki Yoda

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 200 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 11.5 x 17 cm

Language: Spanish

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Marriage Toxin #2 Spanish Manga

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