
Synopsis of Volume 3 of Romantic Killer, The Romance Assassin

Anzu Hoshino, a student who scorns romance, finds herself in an unexpected situation. Addicted to video games, chocolate, and her cat, her life takes a turn when Riri, a fairy from the magical world, appears to induce her into love as part of an effort to counteract Japan's declining birthrate. After confiscating her most treasured possessions, Anzu faces forced romantic situations, determined to thwart any hint of love, while Riri tries to immerse her in the clichés of romantic stories. Surrounded by attractive boys, will Anzu manage to maintain her disdain for love?

Discover more about the manga Romantic Killer, The Romance Assassin in the official edition published by Ivrea.

Details of Volume 3

Title: Romantic Killer, The Romance Assassin

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Wataru Momose

Format: Softcover with dust jacket

Volume: 3

Pages: 190 in color

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Romantic Killer #3 Spanish Manga

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