
Synopsis of Volume 14 of Komi-san Can't Communicate

Hitohito Tadano starts his high school life hoping it would be a peaceful period. However, his expectations shift dramatically when he finds himself seated next to Shoko Komi, a seemingly perfect student. While Komi is beautiful, intelligent, and well-mannered, she struggles significantly with socializing and communicating with others. Recognizing this, Tadano decides to assist her on her quest to make a hundred friends, and perhaps, forge a deeper bond between them.

Get into the Manga of Komi-san Can't Communicate in its official Spanish edition. An exciting piece published by the Ivrea publishing house.

Details of Volume 14

Title: Komi-san Can't Communicate

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Tomohito Oda

Format: Softcover with a dust jacket - Double volume

Volume: 14

Pages: 400 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Komi San can't communicate #14 Spanish Manga

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