
Synopsis of Kaiju no 8 Volume 7

The confrontational ninth Kaiju emerges with the intent of seizing the power of the second Kaiju, which is in the possession of Isao Shinomiya, the respected Secretary-General of the Defense Forces. In a fierce battle, Isao corners the ninth Kaiju, but eventually gets overpowered and yields the power of the second Kaiju. With newly acquired power, the ninth Kaiju faces Kafka, Kikoru, and Narumi, who arrive just in time. This seventh volume promises unprecedented confrontations and tensions.

Manga of Kaiju no 8 Volume 7 in its official Spanish edition of this acclaimed series, published by Planeta Cómic.

Details of Volume 7

Title: Kaiju no 8

Genre: Shonen - Action - Science Fiction

Art: Naoya Matsumoto

Script: Naoya Matsumoto

Format: Paperback - Black and White

Volume: 7

Pages: 200

Publisher: Planeta Cómic

Size: 11.1 x 17.7 cm

Language: Spanish

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Kaiju No 8 #07 Spanish Manga

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