
Synopsis of Volume 12 of Kengan Ashura

Kazuo Yamashita is a grey salaryman with a hard life who one day witnesses a street fight in an alleyway in which a young boy is beating up a guy with the size of a built-in wardrobe. His life will change forever when the president of his company, the Nogi Group, explains to him that since the Edo period, many contracts of merchants and companies in Japan are decided in illegal street fights and asks him to be the representative of the boy he saw in the alley, Ohma Tokita, an expert and tough fighter who doesn't mess around. Kazuo is a fan of contact sports, but he is not prepared for all that Ohma and the different opponents who will take part in the Kengan fights, experts in different martial arts and fighting styles, are going to show him. Violence and blood will decide the future of the Nogi group and the Kengan fights!

Manga of Kengan Ashura Volume 11 in its official Spanish edition, where combat, strategy, and survival are mixed in a ruthless corporate ring.

Details of Volume 12

Title: Kengan Ashura

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Yabako Sandrovich - Daromeon

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 12

Pages: 200 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Dimensions: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Kengan Ashura #12 Spanish Manga

Product details
  • License: Kengan Ashura
  • Made by: IVREA
  • Approximate size: 13 x 18 cm
  • GTIN: 9788410213555
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