
Synopsis of Volume 10 of GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka

Manga's most famous, mythical and beloved teacher is back with a new edition of GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka! We have back the main character who marked a whole generation with his thuggish educational methods and his ability to win over his students. Eikichi Onizuka was a gangster in his younger days, but now he's just trying to get a woman to fall at his feet. After an accidental date with a girl, he discovers that being a teacher is a great way to get laid, so he sets out to get a teaching diploma and look for a job at a high school. Luck seems to smile on him when he finds a job in a private school, but what he doesn't know is that his predecessors in his class have all ended up worse and worse. His dedication to becoming the best teacher and his hatred of traditional teaching systems will be put to the test, using the most unorthodox, illegal and crazy methods.

Get into the GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka Manga in the official Spanish edition of this exciting manga published by Ivrea.

Details of Volume 10

Title: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Tôru Fujisawa

Format: Softcover paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 10

Pages: 400 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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GTO Great Teacher Onizuka #10 Spanish Manga

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