
Synopsis of Single Volume of Sentimental Melody

"That is, we have returned from among the dead." In the postwar period, after the devastation of the atomic bomb, Tadao Tsuge started his working life at a blood bank in Tokyo. There he encountered a desolate reality, symbolized by an inscription on the wall: "Even I, who was a lieutenant in the Navy, have had to sell my blood." This discovery marked the beginning of his journey to document the suffering of those on the edge of human existence.

The stories in Sentimental Melody, published between 1969 and 1972, delve into Tsuge’s core themes: the slums of Tokyo, portraits of petty criminals, blood banks, and particularly, war veterans dragging their lives, haunted by ghosts of the past. This anthology stands as a powerful witness to the author's unique ability to depict, between fiction and non-fiction, the harshness of life in postwar Tokyo, presenting us with a dramatic narrative in six acts.

Details of Volume 1

Title: Sentimental Melody

Genre: Seinen

Authors: Tadao Tsuge

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 248 in black and white

Publisher: Gallo Nero

Size: 15 x 21 cm

Language: Spanish


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Sentimental melody Spanish Manga

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