
Synopsis of Volume 10 of Ayakashi Triangle

The universe of Kentaro Yabuki expands with "Ayakashi Triangle". The author, renowned for "To Love Ru" and the hit "Darling in the FRANXX", brings us a plot intertwining ninjas, supernatural beings, romance, and his signature ecchi touch. The Ayakashi, fearsome creatures terrorizing Japan, are combated by brave exorcist ninjas. Matsuri is one such ninja, whose main goal is to safeguard his childhood friend, Suzu, who attracts the Ayakashi. However, everything changes when he confronts Shi rogane, an Ayakashi cat. In a desperate move to avoid defeat, he transforms Matsuri into a woman. Although protecting Suzu remains his mission, Matsuri now must also seek how to reverse this change, tackling the challenges of his new female identity.

Explore the Manga of Ayakashi Triangle in its official Spanish edition published by the Ivrea publisher.

Details of Volume 10

Title: Ayakashi Triangle

Genre: Shonen - Action - Romance - Ecchi

Author/s: Kentaro Yabuki

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 10

Pages: 200 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Ayakashi Triangle #10 Spanish Manga

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