
Product characteristics

Title: Blue Lock - ブルーロック

Genre: Shonen - Action - Spokon - Drama

Drawing: Muneyuki Kaneshiro - Yusuke Nomura

Screenplay: Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Yusuke Nomura

Format: Rustic - Black and White

Volume: 01

Pages: 209

Publisher: Planet Comic

Size: 12 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

The Japan Soccer Association, after the failure in the 2018 World Cup, are clear that they cannot stay like this and after the motto "Japan needs a striker motivated by selfishness" they have brought together the 300 best strikers for a training like none ever viewed.

Blue Lock manga #01 in its official Spanish edition of this exciting manga published by the Planeta comic publishing house.


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Blue Lock #01 Manga Planeta Comic (Spanish)

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